Five Insider Betting Methods Which make You A Winner

I'll Have Another is set to make his way into the history books with the very first Triple Crown title in 34 years. However, while everyone's attention is on the potential Triple Crown thoroughbred, we're shift our attention to helping you win smarter at this year's Belmont Stakes.

Here are our top five tips to win at the Belmont Stakes:

#1: The dropped line rule

If you're getting closer to the time of post, and you notice that the odds for a particular horse are falling faster than an New York minute, it's time to pay attention. It could be a indicator that those in the know are expecting to see something huge from the horse. When the word out from the backside is that a horse's breeze has broken the clock on the training track, professional handicappers tend to bet heavily on that horse, and perhaps you should too.

#2: The speed-post improvement secret

Find a horse who not only showed the speed early in his previous start, but also held his position for the first two starts. If that horse has gotten close to rail this morning (improving the post position), and if it has risen in class and is having lower odds than his post time odds for the previous race, it might be a good idea to shift your focus to the horse.

#3: sole speed rule

Find the horse that's got the fastest performance in an event with a lot of closers and you're golden. If there are several speed horses, it's even better, since these will usually tire out down the homestretch even though your horse is performing well and is likely to finish ahead of the pack.

#4: The up and down pattern rule

If you find a horse that started strong but then fell a little of ground and then returned at the conclusion to improve or regain his standing in previous performance, you may want to keep your eye on this horse because they will often come back to run strong and might be worth betting on. It's likely that he ran into some trouble in the course, however was strong enough to push through. Make sure the race didn't end because of fatigued competitors.

#5: What is the talking horse?

Your horse is trying to tell you something. They don't have the ability to speak like Mister Ed, but their behavior and manner says betflik a lot. A calm horse will notice his ears twitch in response to noises while an angry horse will place his ears to his head and a squirrely horse can be nervous and extremely sensitive to touch.

It is best to stay away from a horse who has droopy ears. They're tired. Put your money on another horse. Same goes for a horse that has his tail in between his legs when he's saddled. That means he's likely afraid of something.

In the end, it's important to watch how a horse moves. Bet on horses with huge athletic walks. It could result in huge, healthy payouts.

Here are five insider horse betting strategies to bring you to the winning circle.

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